Musical Director : G. Barry Sugden

President : Wayne Marshall

Vice-President : Maggie McDonald

Welcome to our web site. This busy and friendly society is fairly unique in having a mixed choir with its own permanent concert orchestra. The choir rehearses on Fridays whilst the orchestra meets on Thursday evenings and they come together for final rehearsals and concert performances. The society performs four major concerts a year at local venues. If you are interested in listening or joining as a singer or instrumentalist, please browse our pages and find out more about us.


The society is pleased to an announce the appointment of their new Choral Director Gary Hulme and the choral society are enjoying  rehearsals under his expert leadership

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Why I Joined The Choir

Chairman of the Society

I feel very honoured at being given the opportunity of becoming the Chairman of the Society. Although not a musician myself, along with so many others I have had the opportunity of enjoying its concerts and appreciate the enormous, talent, dedication, commitment, determination and hard work of its members. I am looking forward to my period as Chairman and hope to meet many of you in the future

Dorothy Gunther

Sing With Us Or Play In Our Orchestra

Would you like to join our choir or play in our orchestra?

Click image above to hear BBC Radio Lancashire’s Sharon Hartley interview Barry on 22nd October 2021

This is Barry Sugden, our conductor of both choir and the orchestra which he founded more than 35 years ago. Barry is an enthusiastic, patient and inspiring leader who gets the best out of everyone.  During his long serving leadership we have performed most of the standard choral repertoire several times over such as Handel’s Messiah, Verdi’s Requiem, Elgar’s Dream of Gerontius to name but three works. We make great music together, and perform a wide range of pieces with two concerts  devoted to Oratorios or large secular works, a Christmas Concert and a summer concert featuring lighter music such as songs from the shows. The orchestra also has several opportunities to play purely orchestral music as well as playing alongside the choir.

In January 2022 Barry handed over the choir to our accompanist Alan Beedie who was appointed Choral Director, whilst Barry continued as Musical Director of the Concert Orchestra and the Andantino Singers.

If you love singing or playing, why not come along to a few rehearsals to see if its for you? You will receive a very friendly welcome.

Click image to hear BBC Radio Manchester’s Andy Crane interview Barry on 27th March 2018

Orchestra Leader

Julie Proctor

Click on image for more information

Andantino Singers

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